First Came Love...

First Came Love...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

6 months...halfway there!

I keep thinking everything will be easy if we just get through the first year (haha, I know!)…hence why I’m excited we are halfway there!  I even have my lil’ cupcakes first birthday party theme planned (hint, hint…)  Anyway, 6 months is my favorite age thus far.  While Maddy cried for the first 3 months straight (more or less), she didn’t eat then for the next three months (true story)…and as of lately she is actually laughing, eating and consequently sleeping like an angel once again.  Therefore, 6 months has been a great milestone.  Maddy began sitting up a few weeks before her 6 month b-day, is starting to babble/shout "eh", reaches out to be held, plays with toys, loves her daddy throwing her in the air and my personal favorite…she has mastered putting her paci in all on her very own (alleluia)!  Now that she has mastered the paci, we know longer need to go in the nursery at the wee hours of the night to put one in her mouth for her.  We keep about 10 in her crib at all times, and when she wakes up in the middle of the night she is bound to find one and therefore is able to sooth herself back to sleep.  Yes, Maddy was sleeping through the night for about 6 weeks when she was a newborn, however, she promptly stopped that at 3 months, so the last 3 months were pretty awful at night…but lets just hope/pray those days are O.V.E.R.  Mommy and Daddy have gotten a lot tougher and even put her down for nap and bedtime AWAKE now!  Hip hip hooray for 6 months!!!
Maddy had a great six month appointment.  Jon and I talked with the doctor for nearly an hour.  Dr. Boil was truly interested in helping us get Maddy to eat better and really worked with us to help create a schedule that would work for her finicky eating predicament.  He was also the doctor that called ME when she was about 3 months old to see how the bottle adjustment was going.  At the end of our hour long visit, he made me promise to call him to follow up on how she is doing…love that!
Here are her stats...
6 Months
Height:  26.3 in (73%)
Weight:  14 lb 2 oz (19%)
Head:  40.6 cm (9%)

1 comment:

  1. So happy for you!!! She's still a cutie! (Don't know if you remember I told you 6 months was my favorite!) Any chance you guys will be around next weekend for Milford Memories? Maybe we could meet up!? (I think there's a beer there a wine tent!?) LOL
